This is probably the last post for a few months:
1- dotSub, videosite with captions in many languages, users can also add new translations.
2- FLowing data: making sense of data through vizualization.

Shared Favorites by: Louis Lebbos.
This is probably the last post for a few months:
1- dotSub, videosite with captions in many languages, users can also add new translations.
The Major Challenges facing humanity and awaiting an engineering solution. An effort by the National Academy of Engineering. "The focus was not to find what could be invented, but what needed to be invented"
The List:
MISSION STATEMENT Serve as a catalyst to position 21st century skills at the center of US K-12 education by building collaborative partnerships among education, business, community and government leadersAlso check the resources section: route 21
Labels: 21st century skills, Education
To support social entrepreneurs with their recruitment and hiring needs at every organizational level, to provide resources for socially driven jobseekers, and to address talent related issues throughout the sector.
"...Its agenda emphasizes global macroeconomic topics, international money and finance, trade and related social issues, energy and the environment, investment, and domestic adjustment measures. Current priority is attached to China, globalization (including its financial aspects) and the backlash against it, global trade imbalances and currency misalignments, the competitiveness of the United States and other major countries, reform of the international financial architecture, and new trade negotiations at the multilateral, regional, and bilateral levels...."
Mission: The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) helps developing countries and countries with economies in transition in their fight against marginalization in today's globalized world. It mobilizes knowledge, skills, information and technology to promote productive employment, a competitive economy and a sound environment.
Portfolio Magazine, a refreshing recent addition to the business section compiled the following list of blogs:
In their words:
The Max Planck Institute for Human Development is a multidisciplinary research establishment dedicated to the study of human development and education. Its inquiries are broadly defined, but concentrate on the evolutionary, social, historical, and institutional contexts of human development, as well as examining it from life-span and life-course perspectives.
Hans Rosling's talk at TED talk in 2006 was a rare example of charts being both informative and fun.
Gapminder World is a powerful learning and presentation tool.
Big hat-tip to the New York Times, today for this:
Two really good Journals from MIT Press:
Labels: Portal, Sustainable Development, Wikipedia
The book is at times as enjoyable to read as a Malcolm Gladwell book, slows down a few chapters in but is nonetheless quite interesting.
You can also read the original article that spawned the book here:
Be that person that actually read the book being cited.
Interesting methods in deconstructing how thinking work.
Generally interesting, both in terms of the dynamics of the tech industry and the actions behind a turn-around plan.
Some recently read books that were interesting and valuable:
(Direct links from Amazon's afilliate program, buy from the site of your choice!)
Systems Thinking
Business Process Improvement
Value Stream Mapping in low volume high mix environments
Capitalism: key ingredients
Cognitive Science: human judgement
Linking strategy with metrics
China Leadership monitor, Stanford.
China in the red, a video broadcast by Frontline.
Learn Mandarin: (Audio, Text)
Mandarin Lessons with Serge Melnyk